Credit Cards & Bankruptcy

Most Americans have some amount of credit card debt. Some have an easier time of paying it than others. Often, people take on a little more than they can handle and, over time, they accumulate tens of thousands of such debt without having the sufficient...

Bankruptcy May Help Save Your Home!

When life's problems cause you to get behind on mortgage payments with the resulting consequence that you face the possibility of the foreclosure of your family's home, bankruptcy may help save it. After all, your home is the most important, vital asset that you own. How...

About The Chapter 13 Hardship Discharge

A chapter 13 discharge is distinct from a chapter 7 discharge. A chapter 13 discharge releases a chapter 13 debtor from the legal obligation to repay all debts provided for by the plan or disallowed, with some exception. Some debtors may fail to complete their...

About The Chapter 13 Discharge

Bankruptcy debtors with questions related to the meaning of a discharge in a bankruptcy case should consult with experienced and knowledgeable bankruptcy counsel. A chapter 13 discharge, which is distinct from a chapter 7 discharge, releases a chapter 13 debtor from the legal obligation to...

Confirming A Chapter 13 Plan

An experienced bankruptcy attorney like Alberto Montefalcon has the expertise and experience to assist all chapter 13 debtors who must reorganize and file a chapter 13 repayment plan. Additionally, a chapter 13 plan must be able to withstand any objection by creditors and be confirmed...