When income and expenses do not add up right, when debts have gone beyond control, the best choice may be to consider bankruptcy.
Uncontrollable Credit Card Debts
The harsh reality is that despite trying to pay credit card or medical bills, sometimes it’s simply not possible to get ahead of debts. Debt consolidation can end up in paying service fees to “debt help” companies with money that one never had. Trying to hold off creditors from sending accounts to collectors, who harass with phone calls and threatening letters and lawsuits can be frustrating and fruitless. It is time to speak with the team at Montefalcon Law to know what your options are.
Underwater Home Mortgage
Following the economic downturn, a lot of homes have fallen underwater, where homeowners owe way more than their value. Some are victims of predatory loan practices that were prevalent in the past. For many who have become “house poor” and unable to make mortgage payments, one option may be to file for bankruptcy.
Consult with a Bankruptcy Lawyer Now
Consult with a qualified bankruptcy attorney at the Montefalcon Law Offices. There’s no scammers or brokers who style themselves as “paralegals working under an attorney.” Montefalcon Law Offices is not a high-volume bankruptcy mill, taking time to listen to clients and evaluate each situation in order to give the best possible legal solution. Call today and set up an initial consultation.